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Organisational change

In organisations all around the world, we are being told to embrace the discomfort of not knowing. We are inviting you to embrace the discomfort of finding out.

The imperative to learn, adapt and innovate in times of upheaval or disruption is often predicated on the notion that one either knows where one is, or knows where one is going.
What if only one, or neither of these things, is known?

For leaders managing significant organisational change management processes within an organisation, the experience can be akin to steering a ship through a turbulent sea. Or worse – since one can frequently feel alone in the process – navigating a path through a labyrinth. With a blindfold on. Operational issues get mistaken for strategy challenges, discussions on whether the structure is fit for purpose get confused with succession or talent development needs.

This is the time to take a collaborative approach to understanding purpose and the values and enablers that underpin that purpose. This collaborative effort ensures that leaders share a unified vision that can act as a north star for all, fostering a sense of direction, stability and agency in the toughest and cruellest of winds. Moreover,

  1. When leaders collaborate in defining purpose and values, it creates a strong foundation for building a resilient and adaptable culture, which is essential for successfully navigating through turbulent times.
  2. In the face of succession challenges, the task becomes one of balancing the preservation of institutional knowledge with the infusion of fresh perspectives, while investing in the development of those who are best aligned with the direction the ship is going in (purpose) and in what it takes to get there (values).
  3. All good leaders thrive on the opportunity to learn. Where there is organisational change – however big or small – leadership teams must have integrated and tailored leadership development to ensure they’re equipped and supported for all that lies ahead.

How we support you in navigating change…

Purpose, vision and values

Starting from the centre and moving outwards, we work with you to define or redefine purpose, vision and values, as the foundation to building strategy.

Leadership team development

Build or build up the leadership team that is chiefly tasked with driving the change strategy, with a focus on themselves, others, and context.

Working Life Audits (WLA)

A comprehensive, authentic, data driven development process for senior leaders that creates pathways for succession planing and identifying talent.

How we support you in navigating change…

Purpose, vision and values

Starting from the centre and moving outwards, we work with you to define or redefine purpose, vision and values, as the foundation to building strategy.

Leadership team development

Build or build up the leadership team that is chiefly tasked with driving the change strategy, with a focus on themselves, others, and context.

Working Life Audits (WLA)

A comprehensive, authentic, data driven development process for senior leaders that creates pathways for succession planing and identifying talent.

Find out more

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