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Compass Advance

15 - 17 Oct.
Hunter Valley, NSW

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The Next Step For Your Leadership

You have done the work to develop yourself, have clarity on your values, are able to be a more constructive leader, and are on track to living and working purposefully… but are thinking ‘now what’?

What is Compass Advance?

  • A three day high touch leadership program exclusively for women who have completed the Compass Flagship course or its equivalent
  • The next step in advancing your leadership and building on the knowledge and insight gained in the Compass Flagship course
  • Set against the backdrop of the stunning Hunter Valley in NSW you will have 3 days and 2 nights (with an optional third night for free) premium glamping or cabin accommodation, outdoor hot tubs, sauna, gym facilities, swimming pool, piping hot showers, nourishing food, fine local wine and an opportunity to disconnect from the day to day and connect back to yourself, nature & a group of exceptional women

Who will benefit?

  • Women who are motivated by a strong desire to lead change, and need to bring action in line with intention
  • Those that see a change is needed but are having difficulty orchestrating it, or can’t see a clear path
  • People who are considering major life changes e.g. job transition, promotion or a personal life change
  • Women looking for a network of brilliant leaders to support one another in achieving their goals

What will you learn?

  • What helps and hinders us as women, particularly in a VUCA (volatile, uncertain, complex, ambiguous) world
  • What the predictors of future resilience are
  • How to balance technical, cognitive and emotional skills
  • How to navigate the often intimidating topic of influence, the learnings of the  Diamond Power Index (DPI) diagnostic into understanding influence strategies
  • And lastly, explore how your power and influence links to LSI, and learn how to use power constructively and influence effectively
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Explore the venue

The Compass Advance Experience

Fern Hames

Director, Arthur Rylah Institute for Environmental Research, DELWP

“I entered the program to reinforce my understanding of leadership principles and practice. I was looking to build a strong, relevant, aligned network to help me remind myself of my priorities. I felt the need for a circuit breaker in my busy work life and felt the pull of the need for inclusive, collaborative, legacy-minded leadership now more than ever.

I am enough (and can be more). I loved being in nature a lot, and glamping. The food was incredibly good. Thank you. The program has reinforced for me the quote I already come back to often – “if not us, who? If not now, when?” 

Anne Matthey

Senior Project Manager, Department of Justice

“Compass provided me the motivation to understand myself better so that I can grow to be the leader that I think I can be. Fabian guides you through the 3 days in a way which results in an outcome you don’t expect. I’ve found me, I’ve found my people and the outdoor location allowed me to completely forget about work and the demands of the day-to-day.”

Karenza Menzies

Principal of Karensa Menzies/ Sectoral Strategy Lead of Food Agility CRC

“I entered the Compass Advance program looking for an empowering alumni network, clarity in where I need to focus, and the next steps to take to take my leadership to the next level.

The Advance program provided all that alongside new tools and knowledge to further my leadership potential. It was brilliant, insightful, empowering, and I know I have made such a powerful and enabling connection not only within me, but also with this group of inspiring women. Our collective leadership, companionship, collaboration will be an enduring journey no doubt.”

Lisa Scharoun, Head of School – School of Design, Queensland University of Technology.

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A Results Driven Program


New tools to progress my leadership


Leadership skills are strengthened


Greater clarity on direction


Apply learnings to organisational context


Recommend program to others

What could a supportive network do for you?

Leadership Coaching - Women In Leadership Short Course

Compass Advance at its best is a mechanism for enabling projects to get off the ground, especially in the face of resistant people or challenging environments. Long after the program ends the support from the network is instrumental in providing a sounding board for major life decisions.

Read how the power of a supportive network formed out of Compass Advance had the power to change the career trajectory of one participant.

What does care for 'self' look like at Compass Advance?

Caring for self at Compass Advance means intellectually rich conversations with a supportive group of women, nourishing food, stunning natural locations, a comfortable place to rest your body and mind and stepping away from the busyness of the day to day.

Ready to elevate your Leadership?

Book a discovery call with the Compass team to find out if Compass Advance is the right fit for you

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Compass Advance Blog

Never underestimate, nor shy away from, the impact of a network

One of the core intentions of Compass is to build a network of women, and that’s more complex than people assume. There’s a stereotype that women easily form connections, like some kind of ‘coven’ driven instinct that draws us together to scheme and plot and gossip.

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Compass Advance Q&A with Karensa Menzies

Compass Advance is back for the second time in November 2022 so we sat down with Karensa Menzies (co-founder and director of Brolga Co), a Compass Advance graduate from the May program to find out more about her experience.

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The art of self-awareness and a house full of infinite rooms

Self-awareness is a life-long commitment comprised of hard work and consistent effort. But the benefits are monumental, startling even. You discover your brain, who you are, your heart and how you feel, together lead you into a house with almost infinite rooms.

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Understanding crucial conversations: what they are and how to handle them

We all have had conversations that felt like they were not going anywhere, conversations where emotions were running high and disagreements seemed unresolvable. Those are called crucial conversations, and they are a crucial part of human interaction.

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